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Text File | 1980-03-22 | 96.1 KB | 1,686 lines |
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- - The Last Years!«»
- «»«as»
- «»
- «»
- «c6»1995 «c7»was a bit strange when it comes to the amiga scene. Some of the best
- groups faded away during this year; like Sanity, Andromeda, Razor 1911,
- Polka Brothers and at the end, The Silents. Perhaps they didn't all die
- officially, but after 1995 I don't think any of the groups released
- anything special. These are all legendary groups which had dominated the
- scene the previous years. The various software companies really attracted
- lots of talented sceners, and a depressive attitude arrived among some sceners.«»
- «»
- However, let's take a look at some of the most important events that year.«»
- I think it was the first year the Symposium party in Germany got arranged.
- And a group which later on would influence the scene greatly, made its
- debut there. Artwork had lots of talented and respected sceners, like Tron
- and Virgill to mention a few. They released the demo Greenday, and won the
- competition ahead of Sanity which Tron just recently had left. Anyway,
- Greenday offers some cool music, a texture mapped cube which
- is rotating and zooming with mirrors,
- a landscape routine, phong, a fast tunnel, goraud thorus, animations and some more.
- It was quite a nice first release of Artwork. Sanity however, released
- their new version of Roots at that party, and came second in the compo.
- The new version was not much different from the first one, but offers at
- least some new gfx. But after my taste, not better. Anyway, it's quite
- big and got lots of effects. The morph-effect is quite cool. At the same
- party some ok intros got out too, like Boom by Lego and Florx by Bizarre
- Arts. Who knew that Symposium parties later on would become the BEST party?«»
- «»
- At other parties at the same time, some more good productions got out.
- At the Gathering party, the demo Deep by Parallax and Cncd got presented.
- It's a very short demo actually, but it was definately one of the best demos
- in 1995. It starts with a routine I find a bit psychedelic. And continues
- with many small routines, like a very cool and colourful tunnel with
- objects inside, a strange and special 'doom' landscape, some goraud objects,
- vector world etc. The routine I like the most, in addition to the tunnel,
- is a transparent cube displayed in front of a cool dolphin picture. This
- demo deserved to win. The strange part was that it only got 3 more points
- than the demo which came second. That demo by Avalon had a good design, but
- not much to offer at all. All routines were old.
- Also The Black Lotus released a demo there. Lots
- of coders were present at the party, but the demo wasn't very good I'm
- afraid. It got many routines, but mostly old ones. I like the fast tunnel
- though. The gfx was not good either. Anyway, the year after
- TBL released a great demo. You could almost believe it was a totally
- different crew. At this party however, a few ok intros got out. They were not
- really good, but at least got something to offer. Like Wormhole by
- Spaceballs which won the party. No doubt that it was the best one.
- Spaceballs also came second by their Last Finger intro which was done by
- Major Asshole with the help of a new Spaceballs member: Slummy. Slummy
- became much better later on. The intro itself got quite many routines, but
- nothing extraordinary. The most important with this intro, was the message
- by Major Asshole to the software companies and that Slummy got his debut.
- Slummy has ever since been the coding force of Spaceballs. Also Complex
- released an ok intro there.«»
- «»
- Anyway, TG 95 was a disaster. Real bad organizing, and only half of the
- amount of sceners as the previous year. The reason for this, was that TG'95
- was held in another part of the country and by other organizers than
- before. They were unexperienced, and the location made it hard for sceners
- to come from Sweden for instance. The good things that came out of this
- party, were the demo Deep and a 4k intro named Babenoice by Lone Starr of
- Spaceballs. The 4k is really great, and the best 4k presented until then.
- It got an awesome crunching routine by the way. Of course it won the party.
- Well, this year was the start of the real downfall of The Gathering. We
- all thought the 1994 party was bad, but compared to TG95 and later parties,
- it was really great! Because in 1994 and the year before, the party was
- dominated by amiga sceners. Later on, PC people were in majority. I'm not
- talking about PC sceners, but gamers.«»
- At the Assembly party that summer, a few very good productions were
- presented. I would say both the demos and intros were better than the ones
- released at the Eastern parties. First I'll write a few words about the
- demos. ZIF by Parallax offers alot of cool effects. It has some picture
- waving, a blurring parallax logo, phong-shading, strange spiral twister,
- a very cool face which impressed many, a very nice texturemapped Glass
- mirror, a cool WW bobble object which was a great effect then, a tunnel and
- some strange torouses moving and transforming, to mention the main effects
- of this demo. This was more than enough to impress the audience and win the
- competition. Pygme Projects also competed with another demo, it's called
- Logic. This demo also offers a lot of routines and is quite good after my
- opinion. It came second. The third demo is also good, and made by Stellar!
- It has a logo in 3d, a cool object, landscape and more.
- But I like the 4th demo better. It's infact the last demo I ever saw from
- the legendary Silents! The demo is called Fruitkitchen and works on a
- standard A1200. Only the music is enough to run the demo... it got one of
- the best demo modules ever after my opinion. The demo opens with a
- landscape routine while showing the credits. Already now we know that the
- design will be good. It kind of copies some of the Nexus 7 routines and
- music, like while showing their version of the 'disco-ball'. It offers
- some cool vector worlds, a doom-tunnel, and a great light reflection
- routine to mention some of the effects. I really like this demo. Too bad
- I never saw the promised follow-up demo Blood Kitchen! The Silents faded
- away... Many intros also got out at Assembly. I think they are much
- better than the ones at TG and Symposium. Especially the two Sonik Clique
- intros are good. The winner intro FAD had some cool objects which were
- moving back and forward in natural motion. It had many phong-donuts,
- tranforming, and a good fire effect. Sonik also came third, with the intro
- Blur. It had some phong-shaded torouses, a kind of twister routine and blurred
- goraud. Quite good! Also Hauki was good, some others were quite good too.«»
- «»
- At the GASP party that summer, some good demos and many ok intros were
- released. One good demo was the Control demo by Oxygene. Later that year,
- they released an even better demo at The Party. However, the 040 and better
- processors wont get much pleasure out of Control I'm afarid. Others will
- be able to watch an enjoyable demo. X-Orgams by Syndrome is worth to have
- a look at as well. There were also many intros presented at this party. They
- were quite ok, but not amazing. The winner intro by DreamDealers didn't
- include many routines, only some agricol blur and a doom-routine.
- Personally I like other intros better. Take a look at them.«»
- «»
- Also at other parties some ok demos got out, like at the Somwhere in
- Holland party. Melon Design released two demos, Baygon and Planet M.
- I think Baygon is quite ok, it came second. Also Planet M, which won, is ok
- after my opinion. But some sceners at that time didn't like them at all,
- and were saying that Melon Dezign was going down. At the same party Axis
- released their Picture Book! I think also this party offered some ok
- intros, like Rose and Siesta.«»
- «»
- This year Scoopex presented another demo, and many well-known sceners
- even today participated; like Antibyte, Made, Absurd and Laxical. The
- demo is called Alien, and have quite some routines; torous inside torous,
- rootating and zooming cube, a stress-routine, blurred morphed skull,
- goraud cube, cool colour pallettes etc. The demo got released at the
- Abduction party, and came second. The winner demo was done by Stellar.
- It's called Human Excrement. It starts off with moving in a texturemapped
- landscape, then some of the same objects as in the intro FAD by Sonik Clique
- appears. And afterwards, some really great objetcs are being showed. But
- it's a short demo after my opinion, and I prefer Alien.«»
- «»
- The best productions this year, were released at the Party. The best demo
- without any doubt, was Closer by Cncd. Not many months earlier, the coding
- duo Juliet & Case had delivered a pretty good demo at The Assembly party
- called C42. But they're appearance at The Party brought them a lot more
- success. Closer feature environment mapping, picture waving, very
- impressive bump mapping, 3d shading using a new kind of reflection with light
- accumalation, some light balls where the reflection hit our eyes, some
- new shading, textured wrapping, rotating landscape with white fog,
- evnmapped tunnel, strange spirals and the best bump mapping made so far;
- a moving light on a rough coloured surface. Watch it! Also some of the
- other demos were quite good, like Vision by Oxygene. It got a cool
- introduction, phong shaded torous, twister, many great objects in a vector world, many ordinary
- filled vectors, some picture movements, environment mapping and reflection,
- goraud objects etc. I guess the routines which impressed many people were
- the spaceship race on a vector track and especially the running man inside
- the building trying to reach an exit before the door closes. The bad thing
- about this demo, is that it doesn't work on 040 processors or higher. What
- to say: degrade! ;) Also the short demo by Virtual Dreams was good.
- Faktory at least offers some 3d environment mapped objects, sphere
- distorsions and a bumpmapped plasma-effect.«»
- «»
- Anyway, some real impressive work was shown in an intro. I'm not talking
- about the 40k intros, but the 4k intro by Artwork called Dawn! It offers
- alot more than almost all 40k intros released until that point in history.
- Azure did a great job with implending blurred text, multiple pallettes,
- flexible object creator, phong shading, moving light source, environment
- mapping, env glenz motion blur, motion blurred env mapped object morphing,
- some very simple highfield mapping with depthshading (voxelspace), 2 new
- and fast routines in fullscreen 2x2 pixels. And it also got a good design.
- It's simply great! As for the 40k intros, they were not that impressive.
- Creep by Polka Brothers and Artwork had some of the same routines as in
- Dawn, and some flexible torus with a good bump mapping routine. It also had
- the picture movement routine. This was more than enough to win. The intro
- which came third, was Free Your Mind by Scoopex. It had environment mapped
- 3d routines. There's a impressive routine when a hand is trying to exit
- from a wall. Anyway, the intro that came second offered some phong torus,
- blurred cubes and fire zoom. It's called Headcase and done by Axis.«»
- «»
- Other good demos this year were Lech by Freezers. It got real speed,
- good code by Sputnik and good music by Beethoven. It offers many routines,
- like some cities; one futuristic and one gouraud shaded, gourad pulse,
- lightened texturemapped objects, very cool doom-landscape, plasma objects,
- and lightsourced torus inside tourus to mention a few. Also Impossible
- by Mystic is a good demo. It got released at the Primavera party I think.
- At Virtual
- Conspiracy C-lous released a small demo called Omen. It got some cool
- routines, like a glass goraud glass, big torus, tunnel, spiral gaurad
- twist etc. C-Lous also released another small demo called Masque at the
- Compushere party. It got some great objects. You can have a look at the
- winner demo also, its from Craze. But its not that good after my opinion.
- Pulp is also a demo from 1995, done by Movement. Its quite ok too. The
- same are Passengers by 3 Little Elks, Zoombie by Union, Crazy Sexy Cool by Essence and Falukorv
- by Razor 1991 and perhaps Future by Gods. As for other ok intros, Malta
- intro by Essence, On the rush by Melting Pot, Pulsion by Silicon, Herb
- by Polka Brothers and of course quite many others released at Assembly and
- The Party.«»
- «»
- In any case, when it comes to effects fractals were out, dot landscapes too,
- and you didn't see many demos with ordinary filled vectors. This year
- every demo had to include texturemapping with some zooming and rotating.
- Also picture movements, env mapping, some phongs, tunnels, landscapes,
- goraud objects, blurred objects; like torouses and really all kind of torouses,
- various shadings, reflections and mirrors, morph effects, twisters, various
- city-routines, voxelspace and some bump mapping.«»
- «»
- One of a few good slideshows this year was SUN by TRSI. It was done by Lazur. He
- had begun get noticed in 1994, but got alot more attention in 1995. Also
- Artcore by Scoopex was great. It was done by Made/Bomb. Bridgeclaw/Gods
- presented the slideshow A Few Good Men, and along with the other slideshows
- mentioned, it hit the charts. Fiver/TRSI and then Artwork, released a nice
- slideshow too, named HoneyComb. Cyberspace got released by Anadune.
- These got to be the best slideshows in 1995.«»
- «»
- As for musicdisks, there were quite a few good ones. I especially remember
- DreamWalker by Freezers. It was really good with music from Dreamer. Also
- Memorial Songs II from Razor 1911 featuring music from Lizardking was
- great. Chorus and Sid presented their Crossroads under the Jewels label.
- I also have to mention the musicdisk called Infection released by Mystic.
- The songs were composed by Xtd!«»
- «»
- In the mag world many good things happened. After my opinion 1995 was the
- best mag year ever! Well, also 1994 was great! Anyway, RAW, ROM and
- Upstream were the best mags around. Also D.I.S.C. came back to produce one
- great issue. Other good mags that year, were The Charts, Gedan and
- SeenPoint. But many things happened; Upstream faded away as the team split.
- Cesium quit and after a while wanted to support D.I.S.C. and Wolfman didn't
- have the energy to continue on his own even though Mount had joined the
- forces. Rumours were saying that Excel was taking over, but he failed to
- release one single issue. Lord Helmet quit as main.ed of RAW after years
- with success, and Astro took over. ROM under the command of MOP was rising.
- The Charts got in trouble at the end of the year, but continued the next
- year as ShowTime. The EuroChart was in more trouble, and didn't manage
- to release more than issue 27 at the very beginning of the year. Depth took
- over in 1996 and continued the famous chart. D.I.S.C. got in trouble again
- because of some missing graphics etc. and no one got to see another issue
- before NOW!!! Propaganda faded away too, just like Abnormalia.«»
- «»
- The ruling packs were all made by TRSI; NeverMind, It and Speed! And IRIS
- continued their A Pack Of Fun with some success.«»
- «»
- The best groups this year, got to be Parallax and Cncd, along with groups
- like Virtual Dreams, Oxygene, Stellar, Freezers, Scoopex, Artwork,
- Polka Brothers, Pygmy Projects, The Silents and perhaps Melon Design,
- C-Lous, TRSI, Spaceballs and Bomb. However, groups like Sanity and
- Andromeda were still ruling the charts. It always take quite some time
- before the changes reflect in the various charts around.«»
- «»
- Some of the best coders were Juliet and Case, Debug Simply, Sputnik, Oxbab,
- Alien, Touchstone, Azure, Tron, Antibyte, Crack, Origo, and Ninja to
- mention a few. However, according to the charts coders like Dr.Skull,
- Gengis, Chaos, Merge, Dr.Jekyll, Airwalk etc. were the most popular.«»
- «»
- As for graphicians, there were many good ones. But there wasn't a ruler
- anymore. The charts told us that Fairfax, Ra, Facet, Cougar, Peachy,
- Fade One, R.W.O, Devilstar, Suny, Lazur and Danny were the most popular.
- However, the ones that really presented some great work that year in real
- productions and winning parties etc, were Made/Bomb for his work presented
- in the slideshow Artcore for instance and result at some parties.
- Bridgeclaw/Gods for his work in various Gods productions, the slideshow
- A Few Good Men and winning the Gathering. Lazur/TRSI for his great
- graphics in various TRSI productions, compos and the slideshow Sun.
- Facet/VD for his gfx at compos and in Virtual Dreams productions. R.W.O.
- for his compo pictures (like winning the south-sealand party),
- and work in a few Balance productions. Some claim
- they were scanns though. Fiver for his slideshow HoneyComb and results in
- compos, Danny and Rodney for various good competition pictures, like at
- The Party, both Artifec/Complex and Jogi/MellowChips did good with
- compo-pics too, Decker/Andromeda also did good in competitions, T0F too
- at various parties, just like Reward/Complex and Yoga/Freezers, JCS and
- Lowlife were some others that did good this year.«»
- «»
- When it comes to musicians, Dreamer did very good. His musicdisk was a
- success and he also did some other great modules for compos (like Somewhere
- in Holland) and in
- productions. Lizardking also did good at compos and released the great
- Memorial Songs II. Extend (Xtd) enjoyed some success aswell. He won at the
- Primavera party and released a musicdisk. Chrorus and Sid managed to
- release a great musicdisk this year too. Other musicians that did good
- were Chromag, Virgill, Jazz, Oxide, Groo, Scortia, Unreal, Hollywood and last, but not
- least.. Skorpik. At the charts muscians like Jogeir, Moby, Jester, Chromag,
- Heatbeat, Lizardking, Xtd, Dreamer, Dizzy, Mr.Man, Chorus&Sid and Virgill
- dominated.«»
- «»
- Some popular swappers were Norby, Mr.King, QBA (all TRSI) and
- Steffen/Speedy... of course lots of others too.«»
- «»
- After reading about 1995, you may get the impression that this was a very
- good scene year with lots of quality productions? If so, you're wrong.
- After my opinion 1995 was one of the worst years ever. The optimism was
- gone, many real talented sceners and groups faded away. Many had began
- working in various software companies, especially many Scandinavians.
- And there were not many high quality productions this year. The mag scene
- was in change too. And the news about the Amiga were real depressing and
- confusing. However, some new promising groups got born too.«»
- 1995 was the year of texture and environment mapping, phongs, gauraud and blur.
- And trackmos were definately on the way out, as HD-installable productions
- were favoured. I haven't seen many trackmos after 1995 anyway.«»
- «»
- In «c6»1996 «c7»some new hardware arrived. It was the A4000/060. It had 6 MB RAM
- as standard, and of course a 68060 processor. It costed around 2000 pounds.«»
- «»
- As for the scene, it was again rising. As 1995 didn't bring many quality
- productions, 1996 was the complete opposite. Alot of groups presented
- really great work. The scene had again gotten some new groups to look up
- to, as they had looked up to groups like Sanity, Andromeda, The Silents,
- Spaceballs etc. in the past. Now the names TBL and Artwork were on the lips
- of every scener... and a group called Mellow Chips was providing lots of
- good productions.«»
- «»
- This year many good demos and intros got out at various parties, and the
- scene really seemed to be alive and kicking.«»
- «»
- First lets have a look at the traditional Gathering party which was a total
- disaster the previous year. It was moved back to the eastern parts of
- Norway, and Crusaders was again arranging it. TBL which had delivered a
- pretty weak demo in 1995, shocked the scene with an awesome demo. I dare to
- say it is one of the 5 best demos ever presented so far in the scene
- history. The demo Tint featured lots of impressive routines, great graphics
- and design, in addition to cool music and good part-links. It crushed the competitors, and also
- the PC demos weren't even close to competing with it. Better processors and
- RAM couldn't help them. As for the Tint demo itself, it's quite fast even
- on weaker machines (28Mhz 4mb fast). The routines featured are; truecolour
- chunky, 256 colour chunky, 3d-phong and bumpmapped objects, phong mapped
- tunnel, valley voxelscape, texture mapped glass phong, Image plasma mix,
- 3d-twirl, wave mapping and reflection mapping, double lightsourced
- texturemapping and ordinary texture mapped tunnel to mention a few. The most
- impressive effects were the environment mapped face, the bump &
- texturemapped phong fish, the evn mapped over Rodney's picture, the
- electric tunnel at the end and the env.mapped & phong shaded hand with tbl
- tatoo. This is just ONE great demo which lasts about 11 minutes, and during
- that time we get to see 4-5 quality pictures in addition to never get bored
- of all the great effects. The demo that came second, was made by an old
- norwegian team called Triumph. It's called Dreamscape. It's far away from
- the quality of Tint. But if offers one gigantic raytracing-performance
- including phong shading and lots of massive objects with shadows. The
- massive pyramid part is quite cool and reminds me a bit of Desert Dreams,
- hehe... Anyway, its nice to watch when entering the pyramids, and going
- outside again. We follow some spaceships (with shadows) for instance, and
- gets to see some explosions. Anyway, the best part of this demo is
- definately the music!!! The rest of the demos presented at this party
- aren't worth mentioning really. Spaceballs, Contraz, Ephidrena nor any
- other groups presented anything decent.«»
- «»
- It's better to have a look at the intros. Stellar presented an intro called
- Lights! It's actually quite cool and include some nice routines, like
- an evn.mapped tunnel, a cool wave-routine and a very nice money-effect with
- phong shading. I had a dream... ;) I also enjoy the short, but very nice
- intro from Essence. It offers some cool music, picture waving, env.mapped
- torous, blurr, tranforming torouses and another cool object from chess,
- which is transforming and they have mirrors. The background is nice too.
- The third intro was made by C-Lous called Mixed Emotions. It has some pic
- waving, a great object and env.mapping if I remember correctly, etc.
- Also some great 4ks got released at the Gathering. Again they were presented
- by TBL. The winner done by Gizmo/TBL is really great. It has blurr,
- torous, colour sparkling, landscape, torus in a tunnel etc. The one by
- Equalizer/TBL got a tunnel, phong shading and a landscape.«»
- «»
- Lets move over to some other parties and productions. The Assembly party
- had lots of very good demos. Except from the winner Tint at TG, I guess
- most of the demos at the Assembly would have beaten the rest from TG.
- The winner at Assembly with LOTS of more votes than the runner up, was the
- demo Sumea by Virtual Dreams/Fairlight. It starts with a blurr effect,
- and then... WOW! A great tunnel is being showed, and out of nowhere a very
- cool camera appears. The screen is zoomed and the earth appears. Its really
- great! The rest...? Well, check it out yourself!!! I do fear that the start
- may be an anim, but who cares? It's really fantastic. Another of my all
- time favourite top 50 demos is Dim by Mellow Chips. It offers lots of great
- routines. And I think everything is displayed in HAM-8. It features a small
- story about a spaceship, adding some blurr and various effects. It got a
- landscape with light reflections, we get to see the spaceship in a tunnel.
- And when fired at the spaceship we get to see the glow going through the
- tunnel. As demo is a bit inspired by Terminator 2, we get to see an evn.
- mapped phong shaded alien! Dim also offers a massive vector world routine,
- with a bubble and a foetus inside. In addition to that, we get to see a
- good fire effect with Termintor appearing. Some animation. And at the end,
- a really great texture mapped city with blurr and reflection of light
- effects. The only thing I don't like with this demo, is the commercial
- break. It kinda interrupts in a great demonstration.«»
- «»
- After the great Tint demo, TBL had released a demo at the Icing party
- and they also showed up at Assembly to present another
- good demo; Goa.
- Its a bit psychelic and starts off with a tunnel like
- effect (env.mapped). We also get to see a bump-mapped tunnel, massive
- vectors, some great pictures, some seastar objects, 4 balls with faces
- and stuff... and lots of effects I can't comment. Its quite good, but weak
- compared to Tint of course. At the 4th place, a demo called Traffic by the
- members of Mystic in Finland + a good picture from Lazur. It got a cool
- money-effect, massive objects phongshaded with reflections. A tunnel,
- a spaceship, landscape etc. Quite good. Limited Edition gave the audience
- MindAbuse. A small demo with a fast tunnel transforming into a twister,
- some cool objects (like a key), phong, transparent glass, transforming
- objects etc. The last demo I'll comment from this party, was a demo which
- I think should have been ranked alot higher in the competition. Its called
- Cyberia and done by Scoopex in coop with Bomb! It offers lots and lots of
- routines, like; transparent cube with mirror, goraud shading, evn.mappings
- with phong, lots of cool objects, phong objects, twister, light reflection,
- massive objects, a cool effect which I think is an animation, a blinking
- eye in a cube (just like in 9 Fingers), face, hand & animal out of wall
- env.mapp. routine, nice pictures from Made, picture waving, twin mapping
- phong, lightsourced object, bump etc. How this demo only managed to come
- 5th, I dont really know. The face and hand out of wall-effect is quite
- impressive. Just watch it!«»
- «»
- While the demos were great, I can't say the same about the intros I'm
- afraid, so I wont write too much about them. As last year, Sonik C.
- presented the winner, and this time its called Pure. It smashed the competitors.
- I think it got some evironment mappings, and generally lots of colours!
- Lots of colours seem to come out of a ball, they are changing the pallette,
- and a BIG env.mapped object appears. Then there's perhaps some more colours
- in a colour landscape or something. Actually I think it's a bit boring, but
- ok. The Royal intro I can't remember, and the Japani intro was pure shit.
- Just a bad animation. How it reached the third place is unknown. The intro
- from C-Lous is quite ok though, but very short. It got some env.mapping,
- some torouses, tunnel and landscape.«»
- «»
- Ok, I'll comment some more demos from other parties instead. At the Symposium
- Artwork presented a great demo called The Gate, and it also won the party.
- It has real speed and features a great landscape routine, some zoom and
- rotating rooutines, lots of objects, a very cool face-effect, a bumb
- tunnel, lots of massive objects; like face out of cube, transforming donut,
- voxel and more. One great demo. I can't say the other demos were of the
- same quality. But the demo JamJam by Incal has some value. It got zooming/
- rotating, tunnel effect/plasma zoom?, landscape, lots of phongs,
- a texture mapped kind of "doom" effect with lots of ripped graphics from
- sceners like Cougar and Ra to mention a few. It also has ripped music. And
- a texture mapped cube. The intros were better, especially the Dawm Remix
- by Artwork, but also No Love from Syndrome is ok.«»
- «»
- At the Icing party, TBL presented the demo Glow. Many of the routines
- remind me of the ones in Tint. Anyway, it offers some massive env.mapping,
- a strange spaceship, some light reflections etc. The beginning seems to be
- a bit starwars inspired? There are lots of various objects, bump mapping,
- blur, transparent transforming cube, tunnels etc. It only came second in
- the competition. The winner was presented by 3 Little Elks. It offers a
- real fast routine with dancing elks! ;) Objects, light reflections and
- the same effect concerning the face as in The Gate by Artwork. However,
- I think Glow should have won... Nevertheless, they won the intro
- competition with the intro Mind The Carrot II which is good.«»
- «»
- At the Remedy party TBL released yet another demo, this time it was called
- Darkside. And I dont think it has the same standard as the other TBL demos
- this year. Its a bit different as it has some text included, and a very
- cool transparent man. It also offers like a twister effect, picture waving,
- tunnel, man on the top of a planet and some other effects. It was the best
- demo without doubt. The second demo was not worth watching, it only
- included a rotating object (landscape) with phong shading and a weird
- tunnel. The worst production from C-Lous that year. The rest of the demos
- were even worse. The best intro was also provided by TBL, and called
- Tractorbeam.«»
- «»
- At the Abduction party some cool productions got out, like the demo
- Cybogirl2 from Jeskola. And Mellow Chips presented the demo Severed.
- Its kinda special as it has a medieval theme. We get to see a castle in
- the background while sword and shield objects are being displayed
- (texture mapped) and listening to a techno-inspired tune. Many pictures
- are being shown, a face out of wall-effect and last a texture mapped axe
- and a head cut off with some blood. Quite cool.«»
- «»
- There were two Saturne parties in 1996, and at the first one lots of
- pretty good demos were released. The winner was called Atome and done by
- Skarla. It got some ordinary filled vectors in a huge vector world.
- Some very BIG phong shaded objects, many goraud shaded objects, a face
- routine as in the Gate from Artwork, chess object in transforming torous
- with mirror etc. Quite good demo! I can also mention the intro Little Flow
- by Abyss. Its nice. At the other Saturne party that year, many more good
- demos got out, like Hardcore by Syndrome, Fraction by Gods and Mind
- Traveller by Limited Edition. There were some ok intros too. Check it out.«»
- «»
- There were also two Demolition parties that year, and the best productions
- were presented at the last one. Especially the demo from Mellow Chips
- called Divine is GREAT! It offers alot of various routines, like
- evn.mapping, phong, tunnel etc. Check it out, as its one of the better
- productions that year. I also have to mention Profusion by Articifial
- people as a good intro.«»
- «»
- Another party that year with good productions were the South-Sealand party.
- It had a good demo called Chronic done by Passion, and another good one
- by Ambrosia called RiverHouse. It features a very good landscape routine,
- a tunnel, twister effects and some other various good effects etc. Also the
- music is good. Some of the intros were good too, like Phi from Artwork!
- It got speed, great env.mapped objects, some BIG phong shaded objects,
- kinda landscape routines, tranforming objects etc. The winner was done by
- Rebels. It has many routines... like env.mapped phong shaded torous,
- some gouraud shaded balls etc. Quite good.«»
- «»
- Also the Scene Meeting had a good demo. It was Nude by Puzzle. It has a
- tranforming phong shaded torous, a kinda plasma-effect, bumpphong,
- zooming/rotating, tunnel, env.mapping and some BIG objects! Good!«»
- «»
- Anyway, lets move over to a party with stunning releases! Yes, at the
- Intel Outside 3 party some awesome demos got released. It was too bad
- the best demos here didn't get more attention than they did this year.
- The best demo was called Muscles and done by Impulse. It has lots of
- great objects, like a TV, airplane, hammer etc. including routines as
- env.mappings, phong shading, bump and more. It got some fast effects as
- the processor with the GREAT head being displayed. The transforming man
- was also very impressive... and all other massive objects. The end effect
- is also memorable... the dolpins jumping up of the sea. It's simply a
- masterpiece of a demo, one of the greatest that year for sure. One you
- definately shouldn't miss... Anyway, also the demo by Floppy was good.
- It was called Embraced! It has lots of good routines, like env.mapping,
- phong shading, goraud objects, lots of various tunnels, bump mapping,
- twister and much more. Just have a look at the cool objects like the face
- and cat. Also the intros presented by Floppy were good.«»
- «»
- Also another party held in Poland had some good releases. At the Polish
- Summer party Scum presented a good demo. It had some zooming/rotating,
- BIG object, a texturemapped and phongshaded tunnel, a texturemapped
- gouraud city with motion blur, landscape, fire effect while showing the
- credits, realtime raytracing, twister with phong, phongshaded torous with
- rotating/zooming background, bumpmapping, a few good pictures and more.
- Check out Utmost Vacancy yourself.
- Anadune have us the demo Sunrise, which is quite special too. It got good
- music and gfx. Some real nice animations in the beginning, and a nice
- design overall. It got a 'psycehelic' effect with lots of cubes appearing.
- It got bump-mapping, a very cool 'eye' effect, some twisting objects with
- mirror, a kind of backwards tunnel effect and more. Quite a nice demo!
- Eurotica presented Eurotica - The demo, its quite ok too. It got goraud
- shaded objects, lots of cubes with various effects, phong shaded torous
- and much more. The winner intro Full Flavour by Venture was quite ok also.
- It has a phong-shaded heart and other objects, landscape etc.«»
- Also some good productions got released at the Gravity party. Right now
- I can't remember which ones though. But I think Venus Art for instance
- released their good Zero Gravity demo there.«»
- «»
- As usual some good productions also got released at The Party, but compared
- to the very best demos from The Gathering, Assembly and Intel Outside,
- I don't think the best demos at The Party could compete. However, lets
- look at the winner demo from Bomb: Shaft 7. It got some great pictures,
- A man which comes and goes in all parts of the demo, a massive
- texturemapped vector world, a cool greetings part, great phong mapping,
- env.bump etc. Its without no doubt a good demo, but I had expected even
- more from the winner of The Party. Second came demo from another famous
- crew, Essence. The demo is called Makaveli and have some massive objects!
- It got speed, some env.mapping, phong shading, gouraud, blur, a twister
- which turns into a tunnel and some
- zooming/rotating. I really like some of the BIG objects, like the rabit
- and the moon. Quite a cool demo, but it only got half of the votes as the
- winner. The demo Endolymfa by Balance also did good, mainly because of the
- good design. TRSI presented yet
- another demo at TP, and this time it was TwinPeaks. It got some nice music
- and ok pictures. It includes some bumpmapping, texturemapped phong, voxel
- etc.«»
- «»
- As for the intros, I can't say they were impressive either. Oxyron won
- the competition with their Phongfree intro. It's a doom landscape with
- lots of various 3D objects inside, like torous, a fire effect, lens flare,
- light sourceing, transparency etc. But it's
- not very special. Scoopex came second with their second Zero Gravity intro
- in the trilogy. It got lots of big vectors. The intro from Smoke had some
- original effects. Some other intros were ok too, like Damn by Abyss. It got
- ripped sources from Azure inside, and was made as a joke. It has a few
- great transparent torouses and other transforming objects which blurs...
- etc. The more impressive intro, is the 4k intro called Peanut. It was done
- by Efreet!«»
- «»
- Some other ok demos this year were Dimension by MG Design, BornDead by
- Syndrome, Burning Chrome by Haujobb, Stick With Me/Mongolian Prods,
- Resistance 2/Odbyt Design, Xtc/Floppy, Worlds/Gods, Misery/Zenon,
- Insane/Extend, Jees/Mellow Chips, Phonky/Craze, Domination/Contraz
- and probably many more.
- Some more intros; Deep pan/Efreet, Short/Floppy, Decay/Session,
- Hope3/Cirion etc.«»
- The most popular EFFECTS this year, were texturemapping,
- environmentmapping (more than last year) bumpmapping, phongshading, voxel,
- blur, reflection mapping,
- transperancy, twister, lightsourcing, mapped mirrors, various tunnels and face-effects,
- wolfcubes etc. And it was popular to have BIG objects.«»
- «»
- Many slideshows got out this year, and I'll mention some of the best ones.
- The best without no doubt, was Wild by Anadune/Nah-Kolor. It got lots
- of great pictures made by Lazur. I can't be much wrong when I say that this
- slideshow still today is considered to be the best... at least it will be
- on any top 3 rankings. Other good slideshows this year were Efrafa/Artwork
- with gfx from Fiver, Eternal/Scum with gfx from PickPok, The
- Sketchbook/Puzzle with gfx from Dechard, Spaceman/RamJam with gfx from
- N/Joy and Exposure by IRIS with gfx from Bandy.«»
- «»
- Also a few good musicdisks got released in 1996, like Moments from
- Nah-Kolor with music from Muffler and Dreamer. VirgillDreams was another
- musicdisk made by Essence featuring... Virgill. Surprise! Other musicdisks
- were SoundGarden by Anadune with music from Revisq and BlurredNotes with
- music from The Loop/Artwork.«»
- «»
- In the diskmag world some sad things happened. RAW finally died in the
- summer time as the new main-editor sold his amiga. An issue with a few
- articles had been put online a week earlier or so, but nothing at all from
- the new main.ed. Instead there were 4 articles with the old main.ed Lord
- Helmet in coop with me, a few from Magic and some others. As D.I.S.C. was
- asleep, and Upstream also had faded away the previous year, the new ruler
- was ROM! Other mags were Generation, ShowTime, SeenPoint, No Sense,
- Jurassic Pack, Rage and Gedan to mention the best ones.«»
- «»
- The coders that year got to be Offa and Equalizer, Azure, Alien, Braindead,
- Eft, Oxbab, Jamie, Ben, Touchstone, Scout, Boogeyman, Zig, Blueberry,
- Powdihacker, Antibyte and a few others I've probably forgotten.«»
- «»
- The best graphicians were Lazur, Danny, Louie, Rodney, Made, Facet, Fame,
- Dechard, Rendall, Tenshu, Kazik, Fiver, Gfx-twins, Destop, Beast, Jogi, HP,
- JCS, Bridgeclaw etc. This is because they either did good in the various
- competitions, made alot of gfx in various productions and/or got ranked
- high at the charts.«»
- «»
- Some of the most popular musicians were Virgill, Azazel, Dreamer, Revisq,
- Scorpik, The Loop, Muffler, Deelite, Curt Cool, Jazz, Tricktrax, Dizzy etc.
- because of doing good at various competitions, having good musicdisks or had
- modules in many productions, and the usual people at the charts as Jogeir,
- Groo, Lizardking, Heatbeat, Chromag, Xtd, Moby and more.«»
- «»
- Some of the most popular swappers were Case78, Qba, Splatterhead, Trasher,
- Noodle, Candyman and Gandy. And the best packs around were Speed, Kickdown,
- It, LunchPack, King Pack and some others.«»
- «»
- In 1996 you could still see the
- best demos, like Tint, Muscles, DIM, Shaft 7 on a 020/28Mhz 4MB Fast. But
- it was impossible to see a few productions which required more RAM and
- better processor power. In any case, this year brought the scene some of
- the best productions ever and there were really lots of productions getting
- released. And this year it was obvious that not only productions from the
- western-countries deserved to get lots of respect and high rankings!«»
- «»
- 1996 was the year of some of the best productions ever, with env.mapping,
- bumpmapping, phongshading and lots of 3d objects dominating the
- productions.«»
- «»
- As I've already written TOO much about the latest years, I'll try to make
- less comments about the productions the very last years. I guess most
- sceners have been here the last 4-5 years anyway. Instead I'll just mention
- the productions and events I think are the most important.«»
- «»
- «c6»1997 «c7»continued with mainly the same effects as in 1996, and lots of more
- good productions got released. As usual the latest years, most productions
- got released at the various parties, and especially the best ones. Perhaps
- the productions didn't improve from the previous year, but certainly many
- productions were of the same high quality.«»
- «»
- At the Gathering for instance, there were alot of people present, but not
- many amiga sceners anymore. The party was totally dominated by PC gamers.
- However, the amiga groups present released alot of great productions.
- Nevertheless, there were about no releases outside the competitions.
- Anyway, TBL once again presented a great demo which got double as many
- votes as the nearest competitior. Captured Dreams doesn't have as many
- routines or last as long as Tint, but it's surely impressive. And again,
- all TBL releases work on machines with only 4mb of fast! The beginning
- of the demo is a bit like the one in Nexus 7 by Andromeda. We then get to
- see a very detailed tunnel while the credits are being showed. There's a
- cool zoom of the Captured Dreams picture which turns into a light tunnel
- and zoom out of the eye again. There's a cool 'doom' landscape. The
- "dolphin effect" in natural motion with reflections in the glass impressed many
- in the audience at the Gathering party. There's also a very good texture
- mapped Dinosaur object. Another effect is the transforming lightballs,
- and a very cool underwater effect with bubbles and waves. There's also a
- tunnel like effect with lightballs, and some great objects displayed on
- a moving background. The house object with bats(?) flying around is also
- cool. And of course the great picture which also won the gfx competition
- have to be mentioned. All together it's nearly 8 minutes of joy!«»
- «»
- The second demo was presented by Artwork, and it was also very good like
- so many other demos at TG this year. Last year there were only 1 good,
- but this year there were perhaps 10 good ones. Anyway, Exit Planet Dust
- by Artwork was the only demo that actually could give TBL some competition.
- It has a planet object with reflections. Some great and massive env.mapped
- objects and some cool tunnels to mention some of the routines. There's an impressive
- effect with a man etc. There's a also a nice Fiver picture. Anyway, I
- really like this demo because of all the very good objects.«»
- Other good demos from this party were Deus Ex Machine by Limited Edition,
- Eclipse from the old norwegian team Triumph and perhaps some parts of Energy
- from Gods. There were also some others by quite some famous teams around.
- As for the intros, they were not up to the same standard as the demos.«»
- «»
- Also the Symposium party had many great demos, and also some good intros.
- Artwork made a demo at the party with the leftovers from Exit Planet Dust,
- and managed to present the winner; MegaDemo IV! As the TG demo, this demo
- also features some great env.mapped/flatline objects. It also has some
- tunnels, a lightsourced texturemapped cube, a cool face-morph effect, bump,
- a particles-effect, some env.mapped phong shaded objects, landsape with
- light, a cool pyramid object etc. A quite good demo! Arsenic also presented
- a good demo at Mekka Symposium, which was close to beat Artwork. However,
- Fear Factory only came second in front of Essence. Thug Life by Essence
- starts off with a good police car 3d object with mirror on the ground. We
- go inside with a building with texture mapped walls and various effects.
- The demo also offers some great env.mapped objects, a cool colourful
- tunnel, a nice greets part etc. There were also some other good demos there
- presented by Scoopex, Eleven 11, Oxyron, Drifters etc.«»
- «»
- Opposite of the gathering, Symposium had a few good intros. Especially the
- 4k intro Extel by Ambrosia and Abyss in Wonderland were good. As for the
- 64k intros, Abyss made a good one called Diskobox and Impulse also
- presented a good intro. Capsule made the intro Changing which is also good.«»
- «»
- At Assembly more good productions got out. There were perhaps not as many
- good demos as the previous year, but at least some of the ones released
- were of high quality. The winner was presented by the english crew Nerve
- Axis, and called Pulse. And it was absoutely among the best demos released
- so far that year, with a nice concept including good code and gfx and good
- partlinks. It begins with two coloured logos blurred into screen, then
- some impressive explosions start in the
- background and its whiping the logo away.
- The music starts and the title is shown with a lensflare effect. Different
- kinds of mapped twirls follow.
- The last one which looks like a cloudy sky turns out to be the
- background for lens circles (transparent bubbles) running slowly upwards.
- Then the background transforms into a three-sphere tunnel. The entire screen
- freezes and zoom-rotates away and another three spheres tunnel runs
- with some new illumination effects using dramatic horizontal and diagonal lightning.
- A picture of a fish rotates in, and after a while the picture disappears and the
- next effect starts. A 3D parallax bitmapped flatscape with both floor and
- ceiling with stripes of light making its way away from the screen.
- Then a very cool routine appears. Its an underwater 3D landscape with good
- camera movements. We're slowly being showed around a wreckage of an old
- ship. There's also a light reflection effect. The next effect brings
- combined env. mapping and bump mapping.
- A logo follows with some background light effect.
- We also get to see a good phong object etc. Then a very impressive a watersurface
- effect with a boat running on it appears, followed by a magnetic-particle
- storm. Other effects are a blurshaded polygone ball, and another
- watersurface effect. We get to see a bumpmapped and lightsourced
- face-effect. And at the end, a great landscape routine. One great demo
- which deserved to win and it did! It got almost double as many votes as the
- demo which came second.«»
- «»
- The demo which came second was presented by Puzzle, and called Zoo! And the
- obvious theme is animals which appear in some pictures and effects. It
- includes some good music and nice coding. We get to see a BIG env.mapped
- torus object with goraud phongshading, a picture waving routine, big
- transparent 3d. evn.mapped objects, cool 3d env.mapped phongshaded heart,
- impressive transparent cube (glasstiger), star-object, big bumpmapped and
- phongshaded stuff, tunnel with lights, cool objectdistorted elephant,
- mapped torus inside torus and objects inside which are texturemapped and
- phongshaded. Quite cool demo!«»
- «»
- I'll also add a few words about the third demo in the competition. It
- was named Casting and made by Embassy. It starts off with a cool light
- effect. Light streams through the holes of the letters in the logo Casting.
- Then a nice env.mapped 'BY' object appears. We also get to see a cool
- transparent text.mapped object and a nice picture waving routine. More
- effects are a great fire/light effect out of text.mapped object, a blur
- credits part, a bumpmapped tunnel etc. It's a nice demo.«»
- «»
- Anadune also presented a demo at Assembly this year. It was called Zoom.
- It got another big env.mapped and phongshaded object. A kinda twister,
- a mushroom object, massive vector worlds etc. I like the underwater part
- with the submarine. There are also a nice tunnel, a text.mapped city with
- a cool road and more. And then there was another twister tunnel. In any
- case, an ok demo. The demo Timeout presented at the party was ok too.«»
- «»
- Tbe intro competition and the voting I don't really understand much of
- however. The winner 64k intro was made by Limbo (as a comeback production),
- and intro called 911 won with almost twize as many votes as the runner up.
- What's 911 all about? It's quite a special intro as I guess there are not
- many others similar. Its an original idea and its like an animation. It got
- no music, but sound effects. Anyway, it continues for ages... and is quite
- boring after a while. How did intro managed to win, I surely can't
- understand. The second intro was made by Scoopex, and called Zero Gravity
- III. It probably deserved to come second or maybe first. It starts with the
- Scoopex logo which zooms and streches, we get to see some massive
- env.mapped objects, like the Scoopex sign (star-logo) which appears in all
- the productions, and a big castle. The intro has nice camera movements and nice textures.
- The music fits too. The bump carpet is good also. Its nice to see the other
- Scoopex logo also with lights pass behind it. Good intro! The third intro
- was made by Mystic and called FAT! It got env.mapped objects, strange
- tunnel etc. Why it got the third place, I don't know. The 4th intro was
- called and made With Style by Haujobb. It got good design and good music.
- A zoomed Haujobb logo, twirls and textures. The 4th intro I also have to
- mention. How this intro came 4th is hard to say? Anyway, Nah-Kolor
- presented The Prophecy. The intro features bumpmapped tunnel, bumped
- rotazoom, raycasted tunnel with lightsource and realtime morphing, a water-
- routine, another env.mapped object etc. This intro should have won, or at
- least come second!«»
- «»
- At Abduction this year, a few ok demos got out. Like the Broken Promises
- demo from Zenon, Out Of Spice by Kinky and Flop by Dual Crew-Shining.
- Anyway, I'll just write a few words about the winning intro by Haujobb
- called Awekening! It got good music, bump, great env.mapped object,
- tunnel and another evn.mapped object etc. Quite good intro! The intro
- Phorce from Scoopex was quite good too.«»
- «»
- At another small party, Bizarre 97, another small but quite ok demo got
- out. It's called Session and made by Oops. It only has 4 effects, but
- they are quite nice. It got a cool water drip effect with lightsourcing,
- a colourful tunnel, another water-effect and a small pixel effect at the
- end.«»
- «»
- There were also lots of other small parties arranged this year, just as
- the previous years. And at some of those parties a good demo or two good
- out. This was the case at the Demolition party. MellowChips, now a subgroup
- of TRSI, presented the demo Dose there in the combined PC and Amiga demo competition. It came
- second after a PC demo by Haujobb. It starts of with the credits being
- showed in a storm of animated clouds and from its inner dust, the names zoom in
- one after another. Then we get to see a rendered Mellow Chips logo. The
- first effect in this demo is a object rotating over a dark blue background.
- The next effect is a golden female body which
- rotates and zooms over another blueish background; environmental
- mapped and illuminated by four seperate lightsources which is quite
- good. Then we get to see another vectorworld, 'doom' alike.
- In the middle of the room we find a transparent
- object which deforms the background in its shape. And then a picture
- appear, and afterwards another vectorworld!
- Next follows a female torso walking in 3D-robotmotion over the screen, which
- itself consists of a huge zoomrotating eye in the background. Up next is
- a bumpmapped head with a strong-red texture comes in and is
- effected by three or four lightsources. And afterwards followes a
- huge bumpmapped morphing ball effect, zooming in and closing off the
- viewer. Quite cool. Then the logo Dose appear and an end scroller! Another
- good MellowChips demo has been released!!! At the same party there was an
- ok demo by DCS too called Kala.«»
- At the Icing party some more pretty good demos got released. Especially the
- Repugnance demo presented by Powerline was good, and it became quite
- popular too among some sceners. 3 Little Elks also appeared again with
- another demo. It's an animation which is a bit cool after my opinion, and
- worth to watch.«»
- «»
- In Poland there were again many parties with good releases. At the Astrosyn
- party for instance which was late at the year,
- Venus Art presented some of their many productions this
- year. Their demo Everything Dies, is quite special as all Venus Art
- productions are. It got the usual Venus Art introduction, a BIG phongshaded
- bumpmapped ball, other env.mapped objects, a very cool city with
- helicopters flying around with various light effects, some great fish
- objects and a cool spider and more. Also Appendix delivered a good demo,
- and the same did Alien Productions. The winner in the intro competition
- was also done Venus Art. It's called Quagmire. It got a long
- precalculation. Anyway, it has some big env.mapped & phongshaded objects,
- a cool dinosaur for instance, a falling-man object, a cool object in
- a water-effect etc. Quite a good intro! The intro by Haujobb called
- Control! is also good. It has stars, a nice logo, zooming/rotating, a fast
- tunnel, blurr/particles and a nice design. The intro from Nah-Kolor was
- ok too, and the same was the other Appendix intro called Up n'x. It got
- a transforming phongshaded torus, picture waving, a tunnel, a big
- phongshaded object in tunnel, zooming and rotating etc. There were also
- a few 4k intros which can be watched, like Little Bug by Genetic and
- Useless by Appendix.«»
- «»
- At Gravity earlier that year Venus Art made another winning demo. This time it
- was Ghost in the machine. It got bump, textures, big env.mapped 3d objects
- etc. If I'm not exchanging it with another Venus Art demo, I also think
- this demo had a face-effect, phong shading, a 'doom' effect with a dog
- chasing a man, a cool phongshaded roallercoaster, a very nice dragon-object
- and some Lazur pictures! A good demo for sure! Also Floppy presented a good
- demo at this party, which was called Fairytale. It had a theme which was
- about Ufos. It has a great landscape routine with ufos-objects flying over
- it. Some great env.mapped objects, and a cool water effect with reflections
- of the ufos in the water. It also features a bump tunnel I think and some
- phong shading. At the third place came a coop demo called Kah835gb, which is
- quite ok too. At the same party a few good intros were released, like Spawn
- by Appendix and Oubliette by Venus Art.«»
- «»
- At the Intel Outside 4 party Floppy also won. It was with the demo
- Untitled, which is really great. It got really massive env.mapped objects,
- which are transforming. There's also a great logo by Fame, a very detailed
- env.mapped tunnel with speed etc. Appendix came second with a demo called
- Mystique. It got some cool music, and a cool start effect which is a 3d
- object. It also features a fast tunnel, a transparent logo in front of the
- tunnel, fire tunnel, a cool water-effect, a very nice dolphin routine, some
- bump mapping and more, in addition to a cool last effect which was like the
- first effect of the demo. Now the object is also transparent...
- The demos AN by Venture and Touching by Nah-Kolor are also worth watching.
- There were also some ok intros released at that party, such as the winner
- intro by Venus Art called Epoque. And the two Floppy intros Paleo and
- Encore.«»
- «»
- I also have to mention a few productions from the RushHour party.
- Especially the demos from Floppy and Anadune. Papadeo 2 is a cool demo
- presented by Floppy, and quite many sceners like that one. However, I'll
- just write a few words about the winning demo done by Anadune and Floopy
- called Y'on! It got some nice gfx and nice music. It starts with a picture
- with a cool smoke-effect in the background. It got a transparent
- transforming object, spiral twister, tunnel like effect, bumpmapped Anadune
- sign, cool transparent object in front of zooming picture, a nice
- creditspart (with blur), many great env.mapped and phongshaded objects in
- one screen, BIG lightsourced env.mapped object and more. I also have to
- mention that it got a very special graphics style. It's without any doubt a
- good demo. A few good intros also got released at this party, like Navel
- by Appendix and Versor by Anadune. Navel won the party and has a big
- transforming phongshaded torus etc. Versor got a nice design. It has a BIG
- Anadune logo and later on also a Versor logo. It got blurr, transparent
- env.mapped & phongshaded object etc.«»
- «»
- At the Kindergarden party in Norway, there were some good demos in 1997!
- The group Subspace presented a really good demo called Toltek 9 which had
- to share the first prize in the competition with the Spaceballs demo
- Smurph! Some of the other demos presented weren't bad either, like Photons
- from Ephidrena and Winona Ryder from Donut Fetish. As for ok intros
- presented, then we have Quark by Anadune and Yoman2 from Donut Fetish.«»
- «»
- In Sweden, the yearly Remedy party gave the scene some more good demos.
- The old group Rebels presented a good demo called Paranoid. It has nice
- design with lots of pictures, cool music and good code. It has a cool
- start effect, some nice anims (like the cloud anim), lightsourced voxel,
- crossfade, bumpmapped object, lens, bump tunnel and an evn.mapped mushroom
- object and music which fits. Anyway, this demo offers the usual effects
- as some landscapes, tunnels and env. mapped objects. Tulou also presented
- a good demo at this party, called Moonwalker! But I'll only write a few
- words about the demo which came third in the competition. It was done by
- TBL and called Panacea. It offers an appearing face-effect, some cool
- credits with lights, a nice landscape routine mix, some shade cluster as
- in Nexus 7, an effect similar to one in Scoopex Superautodrom 2 which got
- released a year later on, another landscape effect, a special effect which
- could perhaps be describes as wireframe and a bumpmapped and phongshaded
- tunnel put together with good music.«»
- «»
- Some other parties, like the Scenest97 offered a few nice intros, like
- K642 by Impulse, Illicity by Extasy and Lambda by Frame 18. And at the
- Volcanic 3 party an ok demo by Kiki got released. It's called Tchi Tchi.
- And then we have the Wired97 party which offers some nice demos, like
- Sweet by Silicon and Corbier III by Syndrome. And the intro by Scoopex
- called Performance is ok too. IRIS presented also a pretty good demo called
- Kilkenny at the TCP party this year.«»
- Anyway, lets move to the last big party of the year, The Party 7! As usual
- some good productions got released at the party. I'll only write a few
- words about it all. The Party was not such a big sucess when it comes to
- organizing this year, and The Party series had a falling tendency as for
- amiga sceners too. But again it gave us some good demos and intros. The
- winner demo was presented in coop by Haujobb and Scoopex. It was made by
- alot of people, like 4 coders, 5 graphicians and 2 musicians! And the result
- was great as the demo My Kingdom beat the runner up with twize as many
- votes. The last demo I've ever seen from CNCD came second, it's called
- Killer Automatique... and a killer it is. Alot of talented sceners
- participated in the making. Smoke made another good demo, and they managed
- to grab the third place with Electroboy. Also other demos got to be
- mentioned, like Remix from Limited Edition which perhaps is not as known
- among sceners as the other 3 demos. As all the demos had lots of
- env.mapped 3d objects, Remix was no exception. But it has some bad music
- after my opinion, but a great logo and nice picture. Apart from that, it got the usual
- routines; like some cool env.mapping, tunnel like effect, refletion
- shading, a cool credits part, a fight among two transformers, a cool
- phongshaded object and more. Factor released their Mellow Yellow, and the
- last good demo I'll mention is Aprodisia by Haujobb. This party offered
- lots of good intros, especially Efreet's Deeppan offered alot, but it only
- came 4th. The winner intro was presented by Scoopex, and is called
- Superautodrome. And it's really a great intro. It got a BIG env.mapped
- ball, and then its being zoomed inside and there we see some big objects.
- It got the usual phongshaded env.mapped Scoopex sign, it got a massive
- world with 4 mirrors... its big and fast, and like a good fetus object!
- Of course the intro had some good music. Oxyron gave us the intro which
- came third. It's called Suicide. At second place came the intro Cruisin
- done by Abyss. It got a nice logo, a line-draw effect with blurr (some
- would call it wireframe)... it kinda like a fire-effect. Anyway, it's a
- nice intro, but havent got any stunning effects. The last 40k I'll mention
- is Entering Hypnosis by Haujobb. Anyway, this party also had a few good
- 4k intros. Especially Wave by Artwork was good. It got some bubbles,
- mapped twisting and turning tunnel and a twister. Also Beer from
- Ephidrena was impressive. It got at least one good effect which is being
- used in various ways, its like a ball in the centre and all lights and
- movements come out of there. You just have to check it out yourself.
- Also the intro Seven by Depth is good. In any case, lots of good
- productions got out at this party. Infact, most of the releases are
- enjoyable.«»
- At the end, I just have to mention a demo from EMS Design called Oderless
- which is quite good, but didn't get out at party I think.«»
- «»
- Anyway, most of the effects in the demos were the same as the previous
- year. But now it was more obvious that 3d engines were more favoured than
- creating new innovative amiga effects.«»
- «»
- As for slideshows, there was a stagnation in 1997. Infact, I don't remember
- seeing many new that year. But I have to mention Dream Or Reality with gfx
- from Unreal and Splinters with graphics from Rendall.«»
- «»
- There weren't many new good musicdisks either this year, infact there
- weren't many new musicdisks at all. At least I can't remember any at all...
- or just perhaps Symbolix with music from Pirat got out that year?«»
- «»
- In the diskmag department things were changing too. ROM faded away that
- year, and the landscape was more open. There was no obvious ruler anymore.
- But good mags were Generation, SeenPoint, ShowTime, EuroChart, Jurassic
- Pack, and perhaps mags as Insomnia, Trashcan, X-files, Oepir Risti,
- Friendchip and perhaps a few others. There were still a few mags being
- released reguarly.«»
- «»
- The most popular coders that year, were mostly the ones that had
- participated in the makings of the best demos and intros that year, and
- the ones that were most active. I can mention alot of popular coders this
- year; like Offa, Equalizer, Azure, Antibyte, PG, Zig, Jamie, Scout,
- Aivo, Alien, Eft, TTS, Modem, Boogeyman, Kenny Star etc.«»
- «»
- As for graphicians, there were many lots of good ones. Lazur, Made,
- Cyclone, Danny, Louie, Facet, Destop, Unreal, Rendell, Norm, TMK, Typhoon,
- Fame, Mrk, Rodney, Kazik, Dzordan, Mustafa, Visual, Beast, Fiver and more.«»
- «»
- There were also many popular musicians. Some were Azazel, Muffler, Pink,
- Revisq, Virgill, Groo, Dizzy, Scorpik, Ganja, Marc, Yolk, Dascon, Caramel,
- Substance, Chromag, Jazz, Dreamer, Notman and the usual Lizardking and Jogeir
- of course.«»
- «»
- As for swappers, I would say that Blaze, Splatterhead, Trasher, Ghandy,
- Hawk, Azzaro etc. were among the better ones.«»
- «»
- The top 3 editors got to be MOP, RokDaZone and Fishwave.«»
- «»
- And the most popular groups were TBL, Artwork, Essence, Limited Edition,
- Floppy, Scoopex and perhaps Haujobb and Nerve Axis.«»
- «»
- In any case, 1997 will be remembered for some great productions but there
- was a bit depressive attitude towards the end of the year, as so many
- profiled persons were leaving the scene. Like many of the sceners in groups
- like TBL, Artwork, Essence etc. which were among the best ones. And I would
- dare to say the scene was stagnating with the lack of new routines.«»
- «»
- So I'd say that 1997 was the first year with sign of stagnation!«»
- In «c6»1998 «c7»the PCC cards had arrived at the marked I think, and the first PPC
- demos got released. Anyway, the PPC cards didn't become the success as
- expected. Anyway, I'll try again to only mention the productions I think
- are the most important in the way I began writing about the scene history.
- In any case, I think there have not arrived so many new sceners the latest
- years, as the recruitation is bad. Most sceners are familiar with the usal
- effects. Therefore I'll try not to comment the routines in the productions
- I'll briefly mention. So here's a short summery of 1998.«»
- «»
- There were less amiga parties in 1998, and less productions being released.
- Again the best productions got out at the biggest parties, as The
- Gathering, The Mekka Symposium, The Assembly, The Party and the usual
- Polish parties with many quality releases like The Gravity and RushHours
- parties. But also a few other parties offered good productions. The obvious
- change in most big parties, were that PC people had taken over. The amiga
- sceners were a small minority at most parties around.«»
- «»
- As for the most important demos this year, I have to mention demos such as;
- Relic/Nerve Axis, Rise/TRSI, Alien2/Scoopex, XIII Oxyron, Delta/Embassy,
- Aprodisia/Haujobb, Napalm/Floppy, Automatic For The People/Mawi, Extra
- Lite/Abyss, Wildlife/Abyss, Scraps Of Being/Mankind, Blow/Nah-Kolor,
- Synthesis/Network, Riot/Appendix, Nebula/Dual Crew-Shining, Absolon/Venus
- Art & Mawi, Substral/Ephidrena, Aromecolour/Cirion, Nostalgica/Nukleus,
- Face Off/Venture, GrimLeaven/Victims, Pusherman/Tolou, Raybong/Loveboat,
- Visable world 100%/Mawi, No Sex/Zenon, Flea/Appendix, Reflexity/Sector 7, Invitation
- None/Sonik Clique, Swift/IRIS, Phase One/Capsule Inc, Puzzle/Puzzle,
- Mindwalker/Vegas, Unathorized Lands/Nah-Kolor, Kicker/Nature, Mental Brain
- Disorder/Loonies,
- Retrospectacular/Contraz, Automatic/Nature, The Girl With The Sun In His Hair/Mawi,
- The Family Robot/Spaceballs, 242DL75/Rage and there is probably many I've
- forgotten. Infact, I can't remember all the productions mentioned above
- either, but they've been popular among various sceners.«»
- «»
- I'll just have a closer look at a few of these productions, and try to
- avoid writing too much. First out is the demo Rise by MellowChips of TRSI.
- It got a cool atmospheric start, but it's not the beginning of a story.
- Infact, Rise offers no story at all, but instead it could best be described
- as a row of various scenes. And those scenes are just great! Who can forget
- the introduction when lazer is being used to write the name of the demo?
- It's an impressive effect. Then we have the scenes of the woman which walks
- over the camera, runs into a fabolous waterfall and dives into it. It's
- just an incredible scene. Then we have the scene when the octopus appears,
- and the sounds fits perfectly. We have the scene with the snake and the
- spider which appears in the background, and above all, perhaps the scene
- inside the church. It truly gives us an almost religious experience. It
- really is an amazing demo, with atmsopheric music as there's a change of
- themes (some borrowed) and the use of soundeffects, some great textures and a great design
- in general. But the question is only if this is what the scene really want?
- I mean, should the amiga scene really just be a vage copy of the PC demos
- with 3d and lightwave as the key elements? It would be hard to compete with
- the best PC demos then, as they have lots of more RAM and better
- processors. And what happened to innovation? Anyway, I think it's one of
- the best demos so far.«»
- «»
- Another demo I have to comment, is of course Relic by Nerve Axis. Relic is
- just that, a relic of Nerve Axis' present in the scene. It continues the
- trend as in Rise, it's all about 3d scenes. Infact Relic has very nice 3d
- scenes, good graphics (one picture) and music with soundeffects, it's atmospheric, it's magnificient! The
- difference from Rise, is that Relic also has a story.
- The story is about the end of the world, and starts in space. A
- spacecraft appears, and we follow it around. Then the blurred credits are being
- shown. Then the spacecraft gets an external power supply that
- causes three big lightnings outside the craft, just to be
- gathered and concentrated below it, where a
- kind of probe-object appears. Soon after this probe flies towards the earth.
- Then the title of the demo is revealed as the sand that covers the title is
- being blown away. Quite cool. Afterwards we are taken to the
- surface of the planet, where we're flying
- above a green landscape. Out of the fog appears an old temple, done
- with the add of a blur-effect. Then we're flying through the clouds, observing
- the probe that is getting nearer and nearer to the temple. Then a
- strong light is generated between the probe and
- the temple. Powerful enough to make some until now invisible windows in the
- temple shine very bright. The next thing that happends is that the
- building breaks loose from the ground.
- And now we discover that the temple is only the top of a big arch.
- We go away from the earth and into space again, and then a big black hole opens
- close to the planet, and explodes in a gigantic flash
- that sends a big heat wave out into space, and big fireballs towards earth.
- Then some great explosion scenes are being shown as fireballs hit the
- surface, and some heatwaves are seen. Cities are being crushed into dust.
- And at last, the earth explodes... it's really an fabolous experience. Only
- the arch remains... One of the best demos ever I guess.«»
- «»
- I also will write a very few words about the demo Napalm by Floppy, as the
- message of the demo is death. It offers some great transparent env.mapped
- vectors, and there are really alot of massive vectors in this demo. The one
- scene I have to mention is the great scene the swing where there are no
- kids using them, as you can imagine they are dead! Napalm! The demo also
- offers some great music.«»
- «»
- Also a short remark to a demo with nice design, as the one called Raybong
- from Haujobb. It has some blurred bobs, good picture, raytraced logo with a
- cool tunnel like effect in the background, an animation of two people
- fighting, spiral twister, picture waving effect, kinda landscape routine,
- some zooming/rotating, transforming phongshaded env.mapped objects and then
- it returns to the effect as in the start. Anyway, this demo has the usual
- effects displayed in 1998.«»
- «»
- As for the ordinary intros, the best ones this year are probably;
- Imitation None/TBL, 1000%/Scoopex, Outgrowing/Potion, Korn/Amnesty,
- Superautodrome2/Scoopex, 2CB/DCS, The Morning Trip/Loonies, Shibya/Haujobb,
- Red Eye/Sonik, Hard Core/Nah-Kolor, Edit 0.5/Haujobb, Total
- Dominance/Spaceballs, React/Absurd, Beetle/Mystic, Family Business/Abyss,
- System Crime/Scoopex, Fusion Is My Energy/Ephidrena, Born Again/Venus Art,
- G-Spot/Loveboat, Soma/Haujobb & Dual Crew-Shining, Shema/Nah-Kolor, Can't
- Stop/Nuance, Cruisin II/Abyss, Kkube/Przyjaciele Stefana B, Tinnitus/IRIS,
- 4-2-5 Dimethoxyphenethylaminebromo/DCS, Revolution 909/Mawi,
- Popgun/Paragon, Tribute/Abyss, N20/Spaceballs, Moving/DarkAge,
- Effu/Scoopex, Stars Of Another Sky/Spaceballs, Colors/Cromatic, Electric
- Baby/Da Jormas, A Very Long Precalc/Contraz and of course there are some I
- can't remember.«»
- Most of these intros have the same effects. The intros from Scoopex, are
- very like the previous Scoopex intros. Not much innovation, but still they
- use a great engine. Like Superautodrome 2 got some nice blurr effects,
- the same 3d Scoopex star as in all intros, everything is rotating with a
- good background, it got bump, some really massive 3d objects, landscape,
- a cool spider and as always, great camera movements and music. It makes
- the standard of an intro.
- But there is a difference from the various groups, as
- certain coders really like to use the same effects in some way or another
- in all their intros. Just take some intros from Scoopex, Ephidrena,
- Spaceballs, Nah-Kolor etc. and compare them to other intros from the same
- coders in those groups.«»
- «»
- Then we have the 4k intros. The most popular in 1998 were Hippie Machinery/
- Spaceballs, 4k by Whelpz, Fracture/LSI, Nomad/Victims, Together/Phase
- Truce, 4 Kazz/Genesis, Lift Me/Contraz, Pink/Looker House, They/ITB,
- Together, Missed/Mawi, Remix/Phace Truce, Bool!/Taski, S38ZB4/Mawi, Byte/Ephidrena,
- Quiet/DarkAge and Thud Remix/Mawi. There are probably some others I've
- missed also.«»
- «»
- «»
- The usal EFFECTS in the various productions were as I see it, almost the
- same as the two previous years. Perhaps a few variations on which way to
- use those routines though. The innovation was about gone, no more small
- effects, everything was 3d now!«»
- «»
- This year as the last year, about no slideshows got released. However, a
- very good slideshow by Scoopex called 5977 got released. All gfx is done by
- the genious Lazur. Mawi released the slideshow Visable World with gfx from
- Zoltan, Jacko and Azzaro I think. «»
- «»
- There were only a few new musicdisks this year. But the ones I know got
- released were DisIsSid by Abyss featuring music by various, and Dolphinary
- done by Pic Saint Loup and the musicans Adamsoft and SuperFML.«»
- «»
- As for diskmags, it was another sad year. Mags like Generation, Insomnia, Retro,
- Phoenix, Pressure and X-files all faded away during the year. That is,
- some are not declared dead yet and may be released again. The best mags
- and almost the only mags around were; SeenPoint/Scoopex,
- Generation/EndZeit, Trashcan/Network, Insomnia/Looker House & TRSI, Jurassic
- Pack/Gods and Retro/Independent.«»
- «»
- Most popular groups were Scoopex, Nerve Axis, Abyss, Haujobb, DCS, TBL,
- TRSI, Floppy, Nah-Kolor, Embassy I guess.«»
- «»
- The most popular coders were Antibyte/Scoopex, Schlott/Nerve Axis,
- Aivo/TRSI, Zig/Floppy, Shape/DCS, Speedo/Loveboat&DCS,
- Sly&Humanoid/Embassy, Azure/Bizarre Arts, Jamie/Skarla, Boogeyman/Scoopex,
- Blueberry/EFT&FNQ&LNS, Scout/C!S&TBL&APX&NTW, EFT/Kangooroo, Offa/The Black Lotus
- and Optima/Scoopex.«»
- «»
- The most popular graphicians were Made/Bomb, Lazur/Scoopex, Cyclone/Abyss,
- Danny/TBL, Unreal/Faculty & Nah-Kolor, Mustafa/Mystic, Louie/CNCD&TBL,
- TMK/Instinct, Beast/Kangooroo, Acryl/Scoopex, Visualize/Radio 1997,
- Optic/DCS, Caro/Nah-Kolor, Nelson/Potion, Kidlove/Scoopex, Dzordan/Moons,
- Peachy/Haujobb, JCS/Haujobb, Mrk/Limited Edition, Wade/Faction,
- Fame/FLP&Mawi, Leunam/Network, Bifrost/Loonies, and some oldtimers like
- Cougar/Sanity, Facet/TBL & Lemon, Ra/Noon etc.«»
- «»
- As for musicians that year, I guess the most popular were; Muffler/DCS &
- Scoopex, Virgill/Endzeit & Scoopex, Pink/Abyss, Ganja/Nerve Axis, Revisq/
- Anadune, Substance/DCS & Mono, Scorpik/Noiseless & Pulse, Marc/Haujobb,
- X-ceed/Endzeit & Floppy, Jazz/Haujobb, Mortimer Twang/Various,
- SuperFml/Appendix & PSL, Psycho/Endzeit & PSL, Azazel/TBL, Vesuri/Jormas,
- Caramel/Inferiors, Frequent/Ephidrena, Zixaq/Ephidrena, Nutman/IRIS,
- Curt Cool/Depth, Moby/Sanity, Chromag/Haujobb, Jogeir/Noiseless,
- Heatbeat/CNCD and Melomaniac.«»
- «»
- Most popular editors were; Fishwave/Scoopex, RokDaZone/EndZeit,
- Sane/Scoopex, KaosMaster/DarkAge, Ghandy/DKG&FTH&Gods, Darkhawk/IRIS,
- Soda/DarkAge and Mop/Essence as always.«»
- «»
- The best swappers this year got to be Blaze/FLP&NAH&OBL&APX,
- Punisher/MTA&APT&MWI, Thunder/Scoopex, The Hooligan/DCS, Carp/Apathy,
- Azzaro/Mawi&Embassy, Splatterhead/Scoopex and some others.«»
- «»
- With a few exceptions, like the demos Rise, Relic and Alien II, the
- slideshow 5977 etc, there weren't that many great productions around.«»
- «»
- 1998 was definately the year when 3d took over. The things that usually
- dominated the amiga demos and intros in the past, like various new effects,
- were gone. Everything had to be big 3d worlds just as in the PC demos.«»
- «»
- «c6»1999 «c7»was not a very good year in the scene history. We suffered under the
- fact that many of the active coders of the past became inactive, and lots
- of graphicians had left the scene too. But a few good productions got
- released, like some demos, and especially 4k intros. I think this year
- the best 4k intros ever got released. Much of this was caused by the coder
- Exploder. Also a few good slideshows and great musicdisks. But the year
- didn't bring much innovation I'm afraid. I think the scene took one step
- backwards...«»
- «»
- Some of the most popular demos this year were; Rain/TBL, Mute12/Mawi,
- Mnemonics/Haujobb, Datablade/Floppy,
- Concrete/Ephidrena, Klone/Dual Crew-Shining, Vertus/Potion,
- Supermonster/Spaceballs, When We Ride On Our Enemies/Skarla,
- Valhalla/Loonies, SmokeBomb/Ozone, We Love You/Replay
- Y'AGA/Anadune, I-Surf/IRIS, Beats/Loveboat, GenderBender/TotalVision,
- New World Child/ManKind, Sayontscheck/Lamers, Megademo/Mystic,
- Sömnlös i Sala/Tulou, Spaceballs vs. The Mad Hatter/Spaceballs,
- Elthiag/Floppy, Yoman3/Donut Fetish, Mansion Of Illusion/Potion,
- Flux/Ephidrena, Distortion/Spaceballs, Under Pressure/DarkAge,
- Vendette/Nuance, Mushrooms Haloons/Embora, Freedom/EndZeit, Bong/Contraz,
- Astrology/Whelpz, Quest/IRIS, Outside/Keso, TunOn-TuneIn-DropOut/Floppy,
- Menkind sucks/IQ2000, Educational Sex lesson/Limbo, Guagelord v1.0/Ihana,
- EggWould/BullshitArts, Snigelsaft/Latex, Y/IQ2000+Nevermind and
- I'm sure I've forgotten many some good demos here, but I haven't really seen
- that many demos from that year. There were also some ok oldschool demos
- made especially for A500, like Rout/Potion, Eclipse/Scoopex, Best Before
- 2000/Itb, Oldies But Goodies/Melting Pot and some others.«»
- «»
- I'll not make many comments about various demos. But I have to write a few
- words about a demo I've not seen mentioned anywhere, not in the charts nor
- in any articles. It's Mute 12 by Mawi! I think it's a pretty cool demo
- with a special atmosphere. It has some blurred wireframing, nice pictures,
- a nice landscape routine with a very nice 3d man-object flying above.
- It got a testuremapped question mark which is tranforming, it got a nice
- Mad Wizards logo, some more 3d objects, a real fast colourful tunnel,
- and an impressive routine with the screen divived into 4 with lots of
- routines in each corner and more being added. It got even more wireframing,
- some blurred dots over a Mute 12 picture, some great pictures and more
- blur, many fast changes between pictures, some really great 3d objects
- which phongshaded and transforming in front of a moving background, a very
- nice flower object with a woman object beside it, a kinda tunnel effect,
- more blurr and objects, and a routine with a great picture being revealed
- slowly, a sort of picture waving routine and a picture of a woman etc.
- Quite entertaining.«»
- «»
- Also Vertus/Potion hasn't got much attention. It partly got a theme about
- Ufo's and it got some greytoned textures, some wireframing, some ufo
- objects and some great explosions/light effects etc. The effects are really
- massive, and we get to see some standard aliens, hehe... We get to see many
- effects inside a building which are really great texturemapped 3d objects.
- One special good effect is when we see a light/fire reflected in 3 screens
- in the roof of the building. It's a good demo worth to have a look at.«»
- «»
- Another underestimated demo from 1999, is I-Surf from IRIS. It got a few
- nice effects, like a cool domino-effect, a twirl effect, a rotating
- disco-ball, a cool 3d scene with a ashtray, bumpmapped tunnel, wireframing
- some nice pictures and lots more. It's better to have a look at it
- yourself.«»
- «»
- The most popular intros in 1999 were;«»
- «»
- Push/Extreme, Gush/Potion, Fusion Is No Good For Me/Spaceballs, Impossible/
- Loonies, Total Magic/Mawi, Grid/Nature, Fetish/Ozone,
- Eclipse/Mawi, Offbeat/Loveboat, Worms From My Head/Nah-Kolor, NonStop/DCS,
- Plastic/Phase Truce & Nah-Kolor, Crossing/Network, Kryptonite/Depth,
- Rods/Potion & Weeds, Sparkling Blue Light/Spaceballs, Sundance/Da Jormas,
- Inside Deluxe/Degeneration, Pulsar/Scoopex, Oh/Whelpz, Sehnsucht/Harvester,
- Popjunkie/Spaceballs, Qapmoc/Black Monks, älä ota sitä vakavasti/Da Jormas,
- Eraser Head/Floppy, Ngfl-Super/Ninja Gefilus, Oldschool/Apathy, Grid/Tulou, Motions/Whelpz,
- Kangooroa Or Something/Bus, 2998z/DarkAge, Semiconductor/Decree,
- Temperamental/Focus Design,
- Spasm/W.F.M.S, Outgrowing/Potion,
- Pretty Fly/Apathy, Flash/IRIS, Waip/Da Jurmas, Poem/IRIS, Dive/Nah-Kolor, Raos/Potion in addition to
- some others I didn't include.«»
- «»
- A pretty good intro like Worms from Nah-Kolor offers some massive
- texturemapping in a vector world, a face-object, some toruses, a
- water-effect etc. But I think it's a bit slow.«»
- «»
- The most popular 4k intros were;
- Pukamat/Tundrah, Freedom/Extreme, Hyper/Focus, Revision/Extreme,
- Design & Scoopex, Gap/Extreme, Inside/Phase Truce, Dust/Extreme, Myth/Potion/
- Big/Ephidrena, Wish/Extreme, Atmosphere/Joker, Mirrors2/Floppy, Tun/Apathy,
- Blues/Contraz, Ryba/Przyjaciele Stefana b, Das EFX/Scoopex, Land/Sabaoth,
- Dust/Taski,
- Joy/Whelpz, Breeze Now/DarkAge, Rising/Tolkien, Etic/Digital, 4th/Phase
- Truce, Profanity/Darkside and True Dreams 2X2/Floopy.«»
- «»
- This year got to have the best 4k intros ever, and mostly because of the
- great coding skills of Exploder when he was in Extreme. He delievers one
- great 4k after another. But also a few other groups made some good 4k
- intros, like Ephidrena, Potion and Floppy for instance.«»
- «»
- There weren't that many new effects this year either, infact I can't really
- come to think of any right now.... but perhaps the use of wireframing was
- new this year? That is to reuse it, as it was used many years ago.
- In any case, 3D scenes were totally dominating the various productions.«»
- «»
- This year some good musicdisks got out. Especially Extravaganja from
- Nerve Axis with music from Ganja was great. Also SuperDrug from Loonies
- was impressive, perhaps not because of the music but because of the code.
- Anyway, quite many good musicians participated in the making; Tarmslyng,
- Puryx, Maytz and farfar. I also have to mention Sonikk by Mawi with the
- music of Timer, and perhaps Shroominds by Depth featuring Trip.«»
- «»
- As for slideshows, only a few got released this year also. The ones that
- got to be mentioned are Photocell 1x1 by Anadune & Mawi with gfx from
- Kazik, and additional work by Azzero and Drf. And the other slide is
- One Spiritual Journey by Mawi with graphics from PickPok and Kazik.«»
- «»
- As for the mags, there weren't that many around anymore. But the most
- popular international mags were ShowTime, SeenPoint, EuroChart, TrashCan,
- The Scene Press and Jurassic Pack. But there were also some other popular
- national mags, like Beret, Taboo, Excess, Dansktoppen and a few others.
- Also there were quite many packmags around. The best of them all was
- probably Speed.«»
- «»
- The most popular groups were;«»
- Scoopex, Nerve Axis, DCS, Floppy, Abyss, Mawi, Mellow Chips, Loveboat,
- TBL, Skarla, Ephidrena, Loonies and Nah-Kolor.«»
- «»
- The most popular coders this year were; Jamie/Skarla, Zig/Floppy, Antibyte/
- Scoopex, Schlott/Nerve Axis, Shape/DCS, Mavey/Potion, Aivo/Mellow Chips,
- Azure/Bizarre Arts, Elf/Venus Art, Exploder/Extreme, Scout/Various, Boogeyman/ex.Scoopex,
- BlueBerry/Efreet & Loonies, Maq/Floppy, Slummy/Spaceballs, Noxis/Mawi,
- Speedo/Loveboat & DCS, EFT/Kangooroo, Sly & Humanoid/Embassy,
- LoadError/Ephidrena, RubberDuck/TBL etc.«»
- «»
- The most popular graphicians were;«»
- «»
- Cyclone/Abyss, Made/Bomb, Lazur, Dzordan/Anadune & Moons, Facet/TBL &
- Lemon, Fame/Floppy & Nah-Kolor & Mawi, Caro/NAH&PHT, Danny/TBL,
- Judas/IRIS, Slayer/Appendix, Mustafa/Cruel, Acryl/Abyss & Scoopex,
- Unreal/FCT&NAH, Adam/DCS, Louie/TBL&CNCD, PickPoke/Floppy&Scum, Visualize/
- Radio 1997, Ra/Noon, Jugi/Complex, JCS/Haujobb, Bifrost/Loonies,
- Nelson/Potion, Spark/Nah-Kolor, Dzordan/Anadune, Budgie/Absurd,
- Cheetah/Ephidrena and others.«»
- «»
- Most popular musicians were;«»
- «»
- Revisq/Various, Muffler/DCS & Scoopex, Ganja/Nerve Axis,
- Substance/DCS & Mono & VDO, Virgill/EndZeit & Haujobb,
- Mortimer Twang/Various, Pink/Abyss, Marc/Haujobb & Sector 7, X-Ceed/Endzeit
- & Floppy,
- Scorpik/Noiseless, Dizzy/CNCD, Vesuri/Jormas, Timer/Mawi,
- Spectra/Mawi, SuperFML/PSL, Radix/LED, Moby/Noon, Jester/Pygmy Projects,
- Duckhunter/Spaceballs, Xtd/Mystic, Zixag/Ephidrena and some others.«»
- «»
- The most populars swappers were probably Evan/DCS&Nah&Mawi,
- Renton/DCS&FLP&PTN&NAH, Kempy/Veezya,
- Azzero/Mawi&Embassy, Roover/Nah-Kolor,
- Hakon/Whelpz and McR/Mawi.«»
- «»
- The most popular editors in 1999 were:«»
- «»
- Most popular editors were Fishwave/Scoopex, Sane, Curt Cool/Depth,
- RokDaZone/EndZeit, Ghandy/DarkAge & Gods and Belos/Mawi.«»
- Anyway, 1999 could be described as a year of despair for true scene freaks.«»
- «»
- The year of «c6»2000 «c7»wasn't very good either. The ordinary BIG
- parties such as The Gathering, The Assembly and The Party were disasterous.
- I'm pretty sure that only a few amiga sceners will be present at those in the
- future. This year the Assembly party even made a joint competition, and
- it's uncertain if the Gathering will have more amiga competitions also.
- At the moment the intro competition will at least be a joint competition.
- And at The Party 2000 a 4k intro managed to come third in the demo
- competition! We did not get to see many good
- demos nor intros in 2000, but at least a few good productions have been
- released. New parties have taken over and some of the best productions in
- 2000 were released at Mekka-Symposium and at the Satellite parties, but
- The Party also offered at least 3 quality productions.
- Things are also happening within Amiga Inc. As the amiga got
- new owners in January last year, some new optimism has reached our small
- community. Amiga skipped the new Amiga OS 3.9 on the 4th of December, and
- its available in the various computer shops and it can be ordered from the
- various amiga partners.
- And within a few months the AmigaOne will be available too as an upgrade of our classic
- amigas.«»
- «»
- The most popular demos in 2000 are;«»
- Cybercinematastic/Loonies, I Want To Be Machine/Appendix, Megademo
- 2000/Haujobb, Hypnopolis/Spaceballs, Back to the roots/Haujobb, Arla/Loonies,
- First Awakening/Creative Minds, Abecedarian/IRIS, Mayhem/Appendix,
- J/Ephidrena,
- NEO 2/DarkAge, W34/Silicon 206, Webster/Contraz, Welcome to Our
- World/DarkAge&IRIS, Camella Thea/RNO, New Age/Encore, Metatag/Mawi,
- Violent Dumb/Mankind, Zillement/Greuh!, Digital Dreams/Genesis,
- Urea/po-RNO, Janne Ahonen/Ephidrena, Planet Goa/Decree, Murderous/Floppy,
- Torchtro 30min/Ukonx, Summer/Tolou, Outta Space/Secretly!, Rage Against The
- Female/Reason, At The Movies/Loonies, Estadiol/Potion, Bombfire/Camel Kaos,
- Smurphine - Another O.D/Spaceballs, Trinity/Trinity, Killtec/Red Lobster, DeathTrial/Mankind
- and Pluss/Ephidrena to
- mention the ones I've registrated. I have a feeling I've missed quite
- many demos this year, especially Polish demos. There have also been
- released some old school demos, and the most popular are;
- Millenium/Scoopex, Lick/Spaceballs, True Evil Witch/Haujobb, Noget Fedt/The
- Beerz, Pshyco Killer/Spaceballs, DemoDisk/X Metal Force Crew, Where Is She/
- Gothix and some demos that have been showed at the various parties but not
- been released.«»
- «»
- Personally I find many of these productions above not good at all, and some look
- more like intros than demos. But there haven't been
- released that many good demos in 2000... infact less than 10 after my opinion.
- So I just included the most popular.«»
- «»
- But a few demos that are good, and that is typical for the new 3d based
- amiga-demo making, have been done by Loonies. Their winner at Mekka
- Symposium called Cybercinematastic is a themetic demo
- about various Hollywood movies. It got splendid textures of different
- 3d objects. I especially like The Abyss part, but I'm sure other people
- have other favourites. Loonies also made a small but fast demo which
- captivated the audience... it's called Arla. The first few seconds I expected
- a pretty bad demo, but after a few more seconds I really liked it.
- The music fits perfectly to the various movements. The last Loonies production
- so far, is another small demo. At The Movies got released at the TRSAC 00.5
- party in November. This Loonies production also got a theme, and this time it's
- a silent movie from the 1920's featuring Charlie Chaplin as the main character.«»
- «»
- Another demo and demo-group I got to mention is I Want To Be Machine by
- Appendix. But before I tell more about that, Mayhem by Appendix is also a
- very nice demo worth to watch. Anyway, I.W.T.B.M. is a demo which requires
- quite a good processor and lots of RAM. It starts with a fading from the
- intro picture into a landscape, and it offers various effects. Like lots
- of textures... its a kinda doom lanscape while the credits are being
- showed for instance. It features lots of texturemapped cubes, transparent
- cubes, wireframing and some cool tranformation of these vectors. It got
- lots of flatshading, a cool effect in a bubble, 3d-world with motionblur
- and a big texturemapped tree which grows into heaven and lots of other
- stuff. The demo is being shown in some grey colours to make it fit to the
- theme I guess, which is I Want To Be a Machine. Go on and watch it.«»
- «»
- The last demo which you should watch from the year 2000, is Megademo
- 2000 by Haujobb.«»
- «»
- As for intros, the most popular are:«»
- Grid2/Nature, Gift/Potion, Ten/Vectors, Suicidal/Potion, Strange Distortion/Haujobb,
- Incision/Push Entertainment, Tourbus 3/DCS, Euskacktro/Software Failure,
- Omnicrom/Ephidrena, Chiller/Spaceballs, Motion Blur/Horizontal Lamerz,
- Yes!/Haujobb & Loveboat, Modular/Haujobb, Electricity/Appendix, Divide/Grim Project,
- Super Hero/Spaceballs, Heaven/Whelpz, LaChopper/Morbid Visions, Randomized
- Sheep/Loonies, UltraPunch/Mankind, Vivid/IRIS,
- Aimless/Whelpz, Ch2/Spy, Yoo!/Moons, AHA/Apathy, Cracktro/Trinity, Fast/Nuance,
- Zero Divide/Grim Project, Radialblur/Harvester, Minus 4/RNO, My House/Darkage, Rays/Whelpz,
- Ego/Focus Design, Heaven Is Too Dimensional and Teddy Is Too Dimensional
- both by/Horizontal Lamers, Willy Bogner/Spaceballs, Radianze/Contraz and a few others.«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- The quality of the intros mentioned above are very different, from the
- worst to the very best.«»
- «»
- The very best could be the description of Incision by Push Entertainment.
- It takes actually alot of time before it's possible to watch it as the
- preparation includes generating the samples and rendering the patterns.
- The music is generated as a remake of a module by Visual/Extreme, and
- apart from that, everything is done by the coder genious Exploder. The
- intro got a theme, and the theme is space! We are witness to good camera
- movements as we follow certain spacecrafts around (3d objects), and the
- routines are fast. Lots of vectors are displayed, a big object, a tunnel,
- a spacecraft race, splendid reflections, some satellite objects, a
- spacestation, blurr, explosions and all in nice colours. The intro last
- quite long and I enjoy all the action in space! It's just awesome.
- Surely this is Russian aggression!!! Watch it!«»
- «»
- Another very good intro in 2000 was Grid2 by Nature.
- Before getting to see anything at all, we have to wait while the long
- precalculation takes place. But then suddenly the fun starts. The letters
- N A T U R E is slowly being showed as they enter the screen sideways. And
- then G R I D 2 appears the same way. An ordinary 2d engine is used.
- Afterwards we're being introduced to the first real effect: something which
- looks like a lightsourced vectorobject or flatline vectorobject with lots of flare-bobs (or
- blurred bobs if you wish) moving in all directions in the background.
- We get to see something which appears like a picture waving routine, but
- its more like a blurred tunnel. Then we get so see a wireframe tunnel with
- changing objects inside and flare-bobs outside. Then another tunnel appears
- and we're moving backwards and forwards. More wireframing and more objects
- appear. We also get to see some very nice cubes, some cool transforming
- objects I've never seen before and all with good camera movements.
- Towards the end we get some see the credits being showed while some
- wireframe objects appear in the background. And we also get to see some
- wireframe objects which I choose to call them inside vector objects.
- One very good intro which definately deserved to win the competition!!!
- I think the 3d engine used with antialised lines, flat-polys and flare-blobs
- is very good. Also the double-crossed raycast tunnel was enjoyable and all
- with nice music.«»
- «»
- When it comes to the 4k intros, I guess the most popular are;«»
- Bier/Ephidrena, Genoma/Software Failure, Humus/Push Entertainment,
- Wave 2000 %/Bizarre Arts, B0rst/Ephidrena, Art Of 4k/DCS,
- Noisejesus/Spaceballs,
- Fee/Floppy, Mitosis/Software Failure, Bool Shit/Taski, Shine/Darkage,
- Polychrome/Mad Wizards, The Air #1/Embassy and Hest/Gunnars Farvebio.«»
- «»
- I got to say that I'm always excited getting 4k intros from Exploder,
- Ham and LoadError as I know I won't get disappointed. But also a few
- others are able to create some great 4ks after my opinion (Like Azure &
- Slummy).«»
- When it comes to slideshows that year, I've only seen two. But I'm sure
- there have been released more. Anyway, I like the two I've seen. One
- is called Innocence By Faction featuring Wade, and other one is named
- Divine by Gods with graphics from Typhoon.«»
- «»
- As for musicdisks that year, I'm afraid I haven't heard of many. But
- I know that Potion have released two musicdisks. The first one was called
- Schizofrenia and the other one was called Despair. TZK has made the music
- in both of these musicdisks!«»
- «»
- In year 2000 a few events have happened in the diskmag world. Oepir
- Risti/Citron
- made a surprising return by releasing an issue in March, two issues of
- ShowTime/DarkAge have been released, the latest in November. The only regular
- release, is the EuroChart by Depth & IRIS. SeenPoint/Scoopex made a last
- release earlier this year after 5 years. Suddenly it seemed like the scene
- wouldn't have ONE normal mag (as Oepir Risti deals with no-scene matters
- and the ST and EC are chartmags). But then Devotion/Nah-Kolor got released.
- It was something which the scene had waited for. And as you're
- reading this, D.I.S.C. has returned after nearly 6 years of silence! But
- then again, it's now 2001!
- How the scene will react, I surely don't know. In addition to that, there
- have been releases of Excess/Mawi, Beret/Beret Squad,
- Dansktoppen/Cromatics & Loonies and I think also Taboo/Appendix. In
- addition to those mags I also think mags like Trashcan, Insomnia, ROM and
- Jurassic Pack still have some fans.«»
- «»
- The best packs are still Speed/Nah-Kolor (but recently Case took over it),
- FrozenPack/Whelpz, Sabotage/Reason, Zosia/Mawi (and Embrion/Veezya) I think.«»
- «»
- The most popular coders that year are;«»
- «»
- LoadError/Ephidrena, Optima/Scoopex, Shape/DCS, Psycho/Loonies, Mavey/Potion,
- Antibyte/Scoopex, Exploder/Push Entertainment, Zig/Floppy,
- BlueBerry/Loonies, Schlott/Nerve Axis, Krabob/Mankind, Jamie/Skarla,
- Pipe/Nature, Craid/Haujobb,
- Scout/C-Lous & TBL & Appendix, Maq/Floppy & Appendix, Rubberduck/TBL,
- Aivo/Mellow Chips, Azure/Bizarre Arts, Noxis/Mawi, Slummy/Spaceballs and
- a few others.«»
- «»
- «»
- The most popular graphicians are;«»
- «»
- Cyclone/Haujobb, Made/Bomb, Dzordan/Anadune & Moons, Lazur, Acryl/Scoopex &
- Abyss, Typhoon/Gods, Caro/NAH&PHT&PTN&Encore, Judas/IRIS, Slayer/Appendix,
- Adam/DCS, Unreal/Kangooroo, Louie/TBL & CNCD, Danny/TBL, Facet/TBL & Lemon,
- Bifrost/Loonies, Peachy/Haujobb, Noogman/Scoopex, Rodney/TBL, Fame/Floppy,
- Mustafa, Zaac/Mankind and a few others.«»
- «»
- The most popular musicians are;«»
- «»
- Muffler/Various, Ganja/Nerve Axis, Virgill/Various,
- Revisq/Various, Substance/Various, Pink/Abyss, Chromag/Haujobb, Mortimer
- Twang/Various, Frequent/Ephidrena, XTD/Mystic, X-Ceed/Independent,
- Azazel/TBL, Timer/Mawi, Spectra/Various, Skip/Potion, Curt Cool/Depth,
- TZX/Potion, Jazzcat/Pic Saint Loup, Radix/LED, Jogeir/Noiseless and a few
- others.«»
- «»
- Some of the most popular swappers are; Evan/DCS & Mawi, Kempy/Veezya,
- Punisher/DarkAge & Nah-Kolor, McR/Mawi, Azzaro/Mawi & Embassy,
- Hakon/Whelpz, Zito/DarkAge & Reason, The Hooligan/DCS, Roover/Nah-Kolor,
- Lahve/Reason, Lothar/Moons & Appendix, Case/Whelpz & Nah-Kolor,
- Adonis/IRIS, Juen/Nah-Kolor and Darkhawk/IRIS to mention
- some.«»
- «»
- The most popular editors are; Ghandy/DarkAge & Gods, Darkhawk/IRIS,
- Curt Cool/Depth, Fishwave/Scoopex, McR/Mawi & Appendix, Azzero/Mawi &
- Embassy and a few others.«»
- «»
- That year has brought us some new talents which we hope to see alot more
- of in the years that come. The Amiga Inc. seems to be alive again and
- various products will hit us soon. The software is now available and
- new cards will come early this year. And alot more will come the owners
- tell us, if the products already launched are popular. The mag scene seems
- to be rising again, we have now 2 chartmags and 2 ordinary mags, we have
- many polish mags and soon all will be able to read some of the best
- articles in those mags as Coach/Twilight Editors Team will make a mag with
- the best
- articles translated into english. And many groups are reported to be
- working on various productions for the Mekka-Symposium party in April 2001.«»
- «»
- The year of 2000 can be described as a year with a vage new optimism.
- «»
- To read predictions about the future, then read the articles
- elsewhere in this mag!«»
- «»
- «c6»Now just a short summery of the amigas released so far;«»
- «»
- «c7»A500«»
- A500+«»
- A600«»
- A600HD«»
- A1000«»
- A1000PAL«»
- A1000NTSC«»
- A1200«»
- A1200HD/40«»
- A1500«»
- A2000 (In Two Versions)«»
- A2000HD«»
- A2500/20«»
- A2500/20«»
- A2500UK«»
- A3000/16«»
- A3000/25«»
- A3000T«»
- A3000T/40«»
- A3000UK«»
- A4000/40«»
- A4000/030«»
- A4000/040/120«»
- A4000T«»
- Amiga CD32«»
- CDTV«»
- «»
- Then we know there were many plans for amigas to come, and here are
- the plans that actually existed but never got released;«»
- «»
- The Amiga Lorraine«»
- Other Amiga designs«»
- The A1000+ and A1000Jr«»
- The Amiga 3000+ designs«»
- Acutiator System Architecture«»
- A4000/020«»
- The Commodore RISC Amiga«»
- The Amiga 1400«»
- The Amiga Nyx«»
- CD1200«»
- The Mind Walker«»
- Escom Power Amiga 97«»
- The Amiga ED and UITI«»
- The A5000 Mark 1 & 2«»
- The A/BOX«»
- The Phase 5 pre/box«»
- The Siamese PCI Card«»
- The Gateway Amiga Convergence Systems«»
- Amiga Developer System«»
- Amiga MCC«»
- AmigaONE (Nah... just kidding! This will be reality!)«»
- «»
- Then we have those that did not make it past the concept design stage;«»
- «»
- Atari 1850XLD«»
- Ranger«»
- Amiga laptop«»
- Sun Amiga Clone (Erm...)«»
- Hombre Game Console«»
- Amiga DEC ALPHA«»
- A1200+«»
- Escom systems that were planned for release«»
- Micronik M-Box«»
- Index Connect«»
- BoXeR 2«»
- «»
- Complete Rumours;«»
- «»
- Fictional Amigas created by magazines«»
- The Amiga name change«»
- The Amiga rumours«»
- The A1800«»
- The 68080-Based Amiga«»
- The Amiga G3 Lazarus (Erm...)«»
- «»
- Amiga Operating Systems;«»
- «»
- CAOS«»
- Windows NT«»
- Dec AmigaOS«»
- Viscorp AmigaOS«»
- AmiBeOS«»
- AmiQNX«»
- Amiga O.E/«»
- «»
- and then there were lots of unreleased Amiga devices.«»
- «»
- At the end of this very long and greatly timeconsuming article,
- I just want you all to know that it was mainly written during the nights
- and therefore it may be a bit crappy. In any case, I hope you've all
- enjoyed it!«»
- «»
- If you're a true scene maniac wanting to see old and new demos together
- with other sceners in a nice atmosphere, then I suggest you visit the
- Scene Meeting in 2001! If you're an editor, then I hope this article can
- give you some inspiration for other shorter articles concerning the scene
- history.«»
- «»
- Now I just want to wish you all a Very Happy New Year!«»
- «»
- Signed,«»
- «»
- Zerox/Gods«»
- «»
- «e»